Become a Member
Purpose of the Tour
The North Woods Art Tour (NWAT) was established as a non-profit corporation as an educational, interactive event, taking place primarily at artists' studios in northern Wisconsin. This area is defined by the map published on this website and the brochure.
The specific purpose of the corporation/tour is to promote and advance interest and skills in the arts among visitors through display and demonstration of artwork created by member artists of the corporation. This shall be done by devoting organizational resources, substantially supported by membership dues to:
Improve and advance regional availability and access to member artist works via two regional events, one each in summer and fall, showcasing member artists' work.
Improve and advance technical and design skills among member artists.
Share improved and advanced art skills with the public via member artist demonstrations.
Eligibility and Expectations
Open to full-time and part-time residents of northern Wisconsin* with priority being given to full-time residents. (*Area is defined by the map published on the website and in the brochure.)
Applicants will be evaluated through a jury process on the artistic merits of their studio tour space and work (which is to be of their original design)
All members are required to:
Have liability insurance during the tour.
Have a Wisconsin Seller's Permit.
Purchase and display the official NWAT banner at their studio and the traffic approaches to their studio as needed.
Attend one of the two general meetings held each year.
Participate in one of the standing committees.
Membership Categories
Partially Vested Guest Artist: A Partially-Vested Artist does not have their own venue during the tour and therefore must partner with an existing studio member to show and sell their work. They will have their name listed under the studio members in the
brochure and website. An artist may participate as a Partially Vested Guest Artist for an unlimited number of tours. All new artists in this category must be juried into the organization. -
Fully Vested Guest Artist: A fully-vested Guest Artist does not have their own venue during the Tour and therefore must partner with an existing studio member to show and sell their work. They will have equal advertising space in the brochure and website as a
Studio Artist. All new artists in this category must be juried into the organization. -
Studio Artist: A Studio Artist is an artist who creates and sells their own work at their home or private studio during the NWAT. A total of three family members (including the primary artist) are allowed in this category, whether working collaboratively or
separately. All new Studio Artists must be juried into the organization. Studio Artists may host up to three partially or fully vested Guest Artists. All Studio members receive equal advertising space in the brochure and website. -
Gallery Artist: A Gallery Artist is an artist who owns a brick-and-mortar retail operation that is licensed as a business and operates in the community with regular business hours. The Gallery/Artist displays and sells both their own work and the work of other artists
from whom the gallery owner takes a commission. It is encouraged to have some of these other artists demonstrating during the tour hours.
Interested in Joining the Northwoods Art Tour?
The application deadline for new artists for the 2025 tours has passed. The application for new artists for 2026 is OPEN! To apply contact: VICKI LANGER at 715-892-1209.