Johanna Buwalda
Johanna B Ceramics
1006 Beachwood Dr, Eagle River, WI, USA
If your GPS has not yet updated, the address will be 5555 State Hwy 70W.
Year-Round Studio Hours
Open for Tour Dates in July and October, or by appointment.
After a long career as a war-trauma therapist, I now enjoy making beautiful functional
pottery that people can use on a daily basis. I have my own studio with all supplies and
equipment needed to complete my work. Since my current studio is small, I make
mostly small and medium-sized cups, mugs, bowls, plates, birdfeeders, jars, vases, etc.
My ceramics are often made on a pottery wheel, but I also use hand-building
techniques. I prefer using a fine white clay and a brown speckled clay. After the first
firing (bisque firing), my pottery is glazed with a variety of commercially available glazes
and self-made glazes. My pots are often decorated with resist techniques that create
playful and/or abstract patterns and bright colorful glazes. The pottery is complete after
the second firing (glaze firing).
My inspiration comes from the nature around me as well as my travels around the
world. While my esthetic seems to be largely based on the clean lines of my west-
European origin, it has evolved to include images and shapes of the Northwoods. I love
to imagine that people feel at peace and happy using my pottery in their daily lives.
My studio is open by chance or by appointment.