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Janice Zindel & Sarah Zindel

Studio 301:
Shuttle Works & Celtic Wolf Studios

Jewelry, Weaving, Fiber Arts


301 Silver Lake Road, Eagle River, WI 54521, USA

Studio 301 is located 301 at Silver Lake Road in Eagle River, WI. Take E. Wall Street through downtown, turn north on Silver Lake Road, drive three blocks to the corner of Silver Lake Road and E. Maple Street, we are on the NE corner. Please come to the front door.


(715) 617-2234 Shuttle Works Studio
(715) 617-0052 Celtic Wolf Studio

Year-Round Studio Hours

Outside of the art tour, if you wish to see Sarah’s jewelry or Jan’s weaving, please call or email for an appointment.


Sarah: Sarah has a lifelong love of stones, both searching for them, and creating with them, adding in beads, other findings, as well as vintage, upcycled items to create unique necklaces, bracelets, pins, and more.

Janice: Janice began weaving 42 years ago, she continues to learn and experiment in weaving and related fiber arts. Her studio equipment includes Swedish Glimakra looms, spinning wheels, and sock machines. There, she explores Norwegian and Scandinavian weaving along with her continuing interest in woven shibori dyed with indigo, as well as spinning, felting, and more.

Studio: Demonstrations of these arts are available during the art tour.

Janice Email:

Janice Facebook:


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